Lingoda UX/UI Style Guide


At Lingoda, a significant initiative involved the creation of an extensive style guide for the UX and UI. This guide was meticulously crafted to provide developers and incoming designers with clear and consistent design standards. Its objective was to streamline the design and development process, fostering organizational cohesion and efficiency across digital products.


The primary objective of the project was to establish a unified framework that would streamline the design and development process, ensuring that all digital products maintained a cohesive and user-friendly interface. Through meticulous planning and collaboration, significant progress was made toward this goal.


In my capacity as a Product Designer, I took the lead in conceptualizing the initial design choices and interactions. Working closely with the Product team, I presented these concepts for feedback and refinement, laying the groundwork for a robust and user-centric style guide that would guide future design endeavors.

Lingoda UX/UI Style Guide


At Lingoda, a significant initiative involved the creation of an extensive style guide for the UX and UI. This guide was meticulously crafted to provide developers and incoming designers with clear and consistent design standards. Its objective was to streamline the design and development process, fostering organizational cohesion and efficiency across digital products.


The primary objective of the project was to establish a unified framework that would streamline the design and development process, ensuring that all digital products maintained a cohesive and user-friendly interface. Through meticulous planning and collaboration, significant progress was made toward this goal.


In my capacity as a Product Designer, I took the lead in conceptualizing the initial design choices and interactions. Working closely with the Product team, I presented these concepts for feedback and refinement, laying the groundwork for a robust and user-centric style guide that would guide future design endeavors.


The implementation of a comprehensive style guide for Lingoda resulted in a cohesive and visually harmonious digital product. Consistent branding and design elements enhanced user experience, fostering brand recognition and usability.


The implementation of a comprehensive style guide for Lingoda resulted in a cohesive and visually harmonious digital product. Consistent branding and design elements enhanced user experience, fostering brand recognition and usability.